Customer Testimonials

— Hayley Nenadal
Mill Valley Film Festival, CA

We are getting amazing feedback on the Throckmorton Theater tech experience from filmmakers that have come with films for years!

— Michael Tuckman
Key West Film Festival

We can’t thank you enough for the incredible job you and your team pulled off. Projection had been the ultimate thorn in our side, be it trying to wing it on our own or even working with a year round art house theater staff who just weren’t acquainted with the fast grind of a festival. I worried about a million things incessantly, but had no fears about projection and presentation after seeing your team in action on the first night. It’s something our audiences really noticed, though in your case the best way they notice your excellence is by not noticing anything at all.

— Robin Ingram
John Hopkins Medicine

It was a pleasure working with you and we sincerely appreciate your expertise, patience, responsiveness, and willingness to help out in any way. Your feedback and thoughts were helpful to us during critical decisions and certainly made us and our leadership feel very confident about planning for last night…you didn’t let us down!

Reasons Customers Prefer DTA Digital Cinema

Ingenious Design


Tell us about your venue, timetable, related requirements and capabilities. One call sets our team in motion.

Commercial Quality

Turnkey Solutions

We own twelve DCP projectors and an incredibly deep inventory of servers, lenses, theatrical screens and audio for almost any venue you can imagine.

Global Reach

World Class

Our certified engineers are trusted worldwide for candid, informed, on-budget recommendations.

Questions, Custom Quote or Order by Phone

(866) 448-3456

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